Five Rooms from the Harry David Collection
The South African term ubuntu can be translated as “humanness”, “humanity towards others”, “human nature” and “a sense of common humanity”. As a title for this exhibition, the phrase refers to notions of community and a spirit of sharing.
The inaugural exhibition for The Harry David Collection, Ubuntu introduces five distinct curatorial viewpoints unfolding across five “rooms” or spaces. Each presents a personal selection of works from the collection chosen by five different artists and curators. In this way, the collection functions as a resource that is open to interpretation, with each space enabling works to be encountered as a series of unique conversations.
The five “rooms” are designed by RIBA award-winning KallosTurin architects (London and San Francisco). The selection of works has been made by Rashid Johnson, an acclaimed visual artist; Osei Bonsu, curator of international art at Tate Modern; Elvira Dyangani Ose, art writer and gallerist; Burkhard Varnholt, collector; and Emily Tsingou, art advisor to The Harry David collection.
Exhibition Detail

National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens (EMST)
September 2020 – October 2021
Address: Kallirrois Avenue & Amvr. Frantzi Str, former Fix factory Athens, 117 43